Provincial Outreach & Regional Tour 2018

FISA BC express sincere thanks to the Ministry of Education for supporting curriculum implementation in independent schools. We also extend special thanks to the member schools who have graciously agreed to serve as hosts for these events.


(From Fall 2018 session with Brenda Ball, Darren Spyksma, Greg Gerber, and Denise Lamarche)

2018 Outreach Slides morning

2018 Outreach Slides afternoon

Provincial Outreach Visual Notes

Regional Tour 2018 (FISA’s portion – Ministry slides are not available)



(From Fall 2017 session with Rose Pillay, Jodie Sussex, Greg Gerber)

Assessment Session


Curriculum, Assessment, Reporting & Graduation

Regional Tour 2017

Living Assessment & Communicating Student Learning

Core Competencies ED Camp